Marimba One launches new website

Marimba One has launched a new website focused on sound. The new site shows the differences between the resonators and also now links to video clips of the sound of the different mallets that Marimba One makes.

I hope to see in the future video examples of the sound of the different keyboard voicing choices (how is the sound different between Premium, Enhanced, Traditional, and Educational) as well.

I always love the artist quotes on the site, but the recent one by Danny Elfman is great:

“All roads led to Ron Samuels and marimba one. We talked about what my needs and expectations were and he went and built me an instrument that exceeded all my expectations. It’s a thing of beauty, both sonically and visually. I’ve already used it in my latest score. It plays and records wonderfully. Thank you marimba one.”

Danny Elfman, Composer, Musician

Compose. Perform. Inspire. New Voices in Percussion Music

There is a great project underway at Kickstarter called “Compose. Perform. Inspire. New Voices in Percussion Music.” Kickstarter is a program that attempts to get funding for a project, in this case new percussion compositions, and only if the minimum funds are pledged does the project happen.

This one is started by the Evolution Percussion Duo and has four great composers: Casey Cangelosi, Dave Hall, Baljinder Sekhon, and David Skidmore writing compositions.

Jake and Maria have more information at the Kistarter site. They are within $600 of their goal with 7 days left to meet it. Please join me by donating so the whole percussion community receives some new compositions.

Momoko Kamiya’s new marimba CD “Pieces of Peace”

Momoko Kamiya has released her new CD “Pieces of Peace”. You can read more about it at her Facebook announcement page.

I had the privilege of meeting Momoko Kamiya at the Marimba 2010 International Festival and Conference.  She premiered a piece called “Blossoms in the Sunlight” on the opening concert and was part of my previous blog post about the festival.

At minimum everyone should go spend $1 and buy that track right now. It is similar to “Land” and very lyrical and gorgeous. Another favorite is “HATO-OTO” which has a surprisingly jazzy section and is another one of my marimba solo favorites of recent years.

She teams up with Bodgan Bacanu on “Atom Hearts Duo” as well which I will be spending more time listening to this week.

Go support another marimbist and purchase these tracks today!