Nancy Zeltsman has announced that the 2011 Zeltsman Marimba Festival (ZMF) will take place at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin from June 26th to July 9th.
This year’s faculty includes: Nanae Mimura, Fumito Nunoya, Christos Rafalides, Dane Richeson, Jack Van Geem, Nancy Zeltsman.
For more information including registration materials, please visit
Would love to be there. Sounds great. I was thinking of bringing my custom hand made (by Peter Bush-Estacada, Oregon) marimba for sale (soon on e-Bay) , curved 3 1/2 octave, tuned, Honduran rosewood keys, double octave resonators on lower keys. It is truly a fully functional art piece designed to look like an elephant (tusks, toenails and all) with exceptional sound quality. Let me know if you know anyone interested before February when I list it on e-Bay.
Thanks Daniel. I would like to see a picture of that marimba. Sounds interesting. If you want to send me a picture at marimba [at] I would love to see it.