Inspired by the premire episode of the show, the system we use is based on pot bellied pigs. Hey, why not? They're cute, versitile, multi-talented creatures and everyone loves them. And if you're still not convinced that pigs are the ultimate indicator of the humorosity of the show, please take a moment to rediscover your funny bone with a reprise of the first episode.

Here's a brief overview of what the ratings mean:

Single Pig - This is our lowest rating, but hey, it's still a pig! Maybe we're a bit biased, but even our lowest ranked episodes still deserve at least one pig because they all have their shining moments! We use this rating for episodes that don't make us laugh as hard and as often as the rest.

Super Pig - To get this rating, the episode must throw us into at least one good fit of laughter. In addition, either the patients or the plot must be funny.

Dancing Pig - Now this pig has talent, and to recieve a talented pig takes a little more work. The episode must create at least two good fits of laughter, and both the patients and the plot must be funny. Or, either the patients or the plot can be very funny to get this pig.

Pair of Pigs - What higher honor is there than a pig? Two pigs! Fits of laughter must abound in a two pig episode. In addition, both the patients and the plot must be very funny. We recommend watching the two pig episodes over and over.

Pair of Dancing Pigs - These are the most prestigious pigs that an episode can receive. When you see this duo, expect top notch, cream of the crop, knock your socks off comedy. Not only does this episode have to throw us into several fits of laughter, it should make us fall out of our chairs gasping for air. In fact, we want to feel pain in our laughing muscles after the episode. We want to have to stop the tape to clear our eyes and regain composure in order to hear the rest of the show. This is the episode you use to get your friends helplessly addicted to the show.

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Send us email! - Jeff Sass, Jenni Mitchell
Last Modified: April 2, 1999