Summary - Episode 210 A Journey for the Betterment of People
by Liz

Starts early morning at the Katz home. Ben awakes his dad with a story about his experience last night while going to food village. On the way home, he was approached by a prostitute and although he didnít accept her offer, he had a conversation with her. This informed Ben of a whole different world out on the streets. This realization prompts him to want to help other people, but not as part of a group specializing in that area, all on his own. Ben calls his dad that morning to complain about how people like him only help others to make a profit. While on the streets, mapping out a strategy, Ben calls Laura to explain to her what heís doing and why sheís also part of the problem.

Todd mocked a party invitation he received, gave Katz pointers on what not to do during a first date. He talked about his home state of Florida and how he barely graduated college. He complained about an old boss that he had as a messenger in New York and the problems heís experienced with roaches in his apartment there. He discussed his philosophy on parents vacationing from there children. He shared his views on smoking, condom brand loyalty and restaurants changing normal tasting recipes. He also let the doctor know how to tell whether a band was good or not and how much seeing a good one can cost.

Sandra spent the first portion of the session venting about all the negativity in her life. How she wanted to become less superficial and overcome the problems of her childhood and that Katz wasnít making her feel better. When he could get a word in, they talked about her sister and Sandra even told him how much she appreciated his therapy.

Ben called again, from home this time and admitted that he hadnít yet helped anyone. Dad gave him some advice on how to break the ice. At the bar, Stanley tells a golf joke and is made uncomfortable when Jonathan asks him if heís even been with a prostitute. Ben finally does confront a person, but itís actually a family friend that he didnít recognize. The pressure becomes too much for Ben and he gives up volunteering, after only 3 days.

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Last Modified: March 8, 1999