Review - Episode 101 Pot Bellied Pigs
by Jenni Mitchell

Humor abounds in this knockout premiere episode. Chock full of snappy one liners and priceless pig clips, this first show will have you rolling on the floor in fits of furious laughter.

The "patients" are Bill Braudis and Dom Irrera, both nuttier than fruitcakes. Bill's comedic style consists of mostly one-liners and uniquely twisted plays on words. His trusting and innocent demeanor magnifies the situational humor of his jokes.

Dom is a demented but lovable hypochondriac. He just needs a little extra care from Dr. Katz - possibly a little more than Katz is willing to give, but this is certainly the heart of Dom's humor. His view of the world will also give you some good giggles.

The plot of this first episode introduces the core personality of the main characters. Dr. Katz is a cool, collected father who is willing to put up with his son's crap and the loonies of the world. Ben shows up as a loveable, lazy loafer who wants to be a daredevil, but lacks the ambition to leave the house, except to go to his dad's office to pester Laura. Laura is a woman with an attitude--a bad one, that is. She has no time for the nutty patients, and she is utterly disgusted by Ben's affections. She is so rude that you just have to laugh about it. We also get a chance to meet Julie the nice girl and Stanley the know-it-all at Jacky's 33.

The most hilarious part of the plot is when Ben decides to take up a job in animal husbandry-working at home. The Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs are in the mail, and they only cost twenty-nine ninety-nine, uh, and ninety-nine cents. But they are well worth it because of the laughs they will bring you as they pop onto your screen in various shapes, sizes and positions.

I gave this episode the highest rating, a pair of dancing pigs, for its excellent comedians, clever character-building scenes, and hilarious pig clips. Well done!

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Last Modified: April 2, 1999